12:21. Back seat

1. Bench of a back seat
2. Unblocking lever
3. Lower bolts
4. Back of a back seat
5. Rug


1. Press both levers of unblocking and Raise a bench of a back seat.
2. Take a bench of a back seat, having tracked laying of the lock of a seat belt.
3. Unscrew bolts (3) below sideways at the left, on the right and in the middle.
4. Raise a back of a back seat up and take.


1. The rug (5) has to be inserted, and tin uvulas of a bench of a back seat – are open (are naked).
2. Insert a back of a back seat into a bracket (arrows) on a back wall. Release seat belts.
3. Fix by bolts a back of a back seat.
4. Behind enter a bench of a back seat into both tin uvulas and record in front, at the same time the nabedrenny belt and the lock of a belt have to be free.