3.1.11. Hydraulic dish-shaped pushers
All engines are equipped with hydraulic dish-shaped pushers. Thanks to it noise in the drive of valves decreases and, besides, adjustment of a gap of valves within maintenance is not required.
At rotation of the engine the dish-shaped pusher (203) unloads if the cam (184) camshafts is directed up. The spring (d) wrings out the compensating element (204), and it adjoins below to a core of the valve (195), and above the press plug (a) presses on a dish-shaped pusher (203) in the direction of the camshaft. In this situation engine oil through a small opening (e) joins or pours out from the working camera (c). As soon as the dish-shaped pusher unloads again, thanks to turn of a cam of the rotating camshaft the ball valve (b) is closed, and the closed oil works as a solid body. Length (L), thus, adapts at each turn of the camshaft to corresponding changes of the size of details in the valve drive. Repair of a dish-shaped pusher is impossible.
Noise in the drive of valves at start of the engine – the normal phenomenon. At the stopped engine, depending on the provision of a cam, it is pushed out more or less oil from a separate valvate pusher. It causes noise until the hydraulic pusher at rotation of the engine again is filled with oil. Depending on circumstances, this process can continue until the engine does not get warm up to the working temperature. To provide faultless functioning of a hydraulic pusher, in a head of the block of cylinders there is a device of blocking of recirculation of oil which provides full depletion from oil of oil channels in a head of the block of cylinders at the stopped engine.
Control of a hydraulic pusher should be made if at achievement by the engine of working temperature noise in the valve drive continues.
1. Pass with the heated-up engine. After achievement continue by cooling liquid of working temperature the movement on 5 km to provide the sufficient temperature of engine oil.
2. If the hydraulic pusher still rustles, stop the engine and uncover a head of the block of cylinders.
3. Turn the camshaft so that cams of the cylinder which is subject to check were directed up. For this purpose install the transmission on idling, tighten the parking brake and turn a bent shaft for a bolt of fastening of a belt pulley a suitable wrench clockwise.
4. Press a dish-shaped pusher a wooden or plastic core in the direction down. If at the same time the dish-shaped pusher moves down easier, than others, then it should be replaced. |