8.2.12. Turbo doctor
Rule N1: even on think of repair of a turbocompressor in house conditions.
Rule N2: to replace a faulty turbocompressor with new you will be able without special work.
Not so long ago there were those times when the car with a turbocompressor was automatically enlisted in a rank of the most sports, the most loaded and, certainly, the most expensive. The distance of the huge size is passed for the last 15 years and today practically not to find the modern diesel engine which does not have near itself the similar unit.
In spite of the fact that details of a turbocompressor work at temperatures up to 800 °C and speeds in 50000–85000 revolutions per minute, they are rather reliable. However and they wear out and grow old, and the first units of a turbo-supercharging (they became really mass 5-7 years ago) already fail and, sometimes, it is followed by serious consequences.
However, it is not always worth blaming a turbocompressor that the engine suddenly began to lose power. The banal collar which weakened and flew from the pipeline or the punched consolidation can become the reason for that.
Most often, nevertheless, the faulty turbocompressor is the reason of deceleration of power of the power unit. You should not try it to repair, and to here replace it quite in power on the majority of widespread cars.
In general, diesel engines it is simpler in this type of repair, than petrol, thanks to simplicity of their design. The most convenient: the all-wheel drive cars having repair enough space around the engine.
The most difficult: the "loaded" sports models, especially those which are equipped with double turbochargers. Standard work on their replacement at the dealer at this case is calculated on 12 hours. For models of such complexity it is recommended even not to think of repair in house conditions, and many of professionals refuse to undertake it if have no complete set of necessary tools and devices.
Nevertheless, you should not give in and in advance to be given. On the majority of models replacement of a turbocompressor can be made independently. The motor compartments overflowed with units with limited access to the engine will be the main problem. Sleight of hand and a S-shaped key will help here better than any special tools.
As well as any work on repair, replacement of a turbocompressor demands concentration and methodicalness. Nachinte from the fact that exempt access to units from pipelines, wires and other auxiliary knots. An empty seat you will need many as it will be necessary to remove four (sometimes – three) nuts of a final collector, a reception pipe, three pipelines of giving and discharge of oil, and all pipelines of air supply. Turbocompressors with water cooling it is even more difficult because of additional details.
One of inevitable partners in life of a turbocompressor: high working temperatures. Thereof fastening nuts "are welded" on a final collector almost tightly and it is required to apply a significant amount of WD 40 medicine before work with them. After replacement of the main unit it is necessary to replace without fail nuts on new, made of stainless steel. If they are from usual steel, then next time it will probably be almost impossible to turn off them.
Hairpins can be turned on several turns when untwisting nuts, or even to be turned out completely. Carefully check whether there were no distortions and damage of a carving. If it occurred: restore a carving and wrap hairpins into place against the stop.
Not all designs of turbocompressors provide sealing laying in a junction with a final collector. Therefore be not surprised if you did not find it at dismantle of this unit on your car. If laying after all was, surely establish new at the subsequent assembly.
Having removed a turbocompressor, check all released oil pipelines. For this purpose ask someone to include a starter (having removed high-voltage wires from the engine to exclude a possibility of its start-up), and be convinced that oil moves freely. Having established a new turbocompressor, do this procedure once again that oil arrived to its bearings prior to the "real" work. Turbocompressor bearings without oil: even for a second this the worst that he can test in the life!