1.6. Security systems
In many countries there are rules established by the law on use of seat belts. However regardless of these laws all sitting in the car (both in front, and behind) have to use seat belts always.It concerns as well cars with a natyagivatel of belts, and also with the airbag of safety (AIR-BAG) since these systems ensure full safety only when sitting in the car are fastened by seat belts.
Warning signals (seat belts)
These signals remind that before a trip it is necessary to fasten belts. After short blinking they will automatically go out.
The car is equipped with seat belts on all seats, and on front seats also natyagivatel of belts with automatic system of rolling-out of seat belts.
Fixing of a seat belt
To drag a belt with the closing uvula (1) through a shoulder and pelvic area so that a pelvic part of a belt passed before tibial bones. The belt should not be twisted or overwound for safety reasons. Avoid those poses when sitting which prevent the correct installation of seat belts.
To enter the closing uvula (1) into the lock (2) until you hear click. To put on seat belts on front seats so that the top tape of a belt passed through the middle of a shoulder. For this purpose an exit of a seat belt can be established on height by means of pressing of book (4) (3 positions).
The belt has to adjoin hardly. It is necessary to control it when clothing, and also at a trip. A pelvic part of a belt can be pulled if to pull the top part of a belt up.
Release of a seat belt
To press book (3) in the lock (2). To remove a uvula (1). Locks of seat belts on the left and right back seats can be "drowned" in grooves of pillows of seats.
Principle of action
Automatic equipment of rolling-out of seat belts blocks departure of a tape of a belt at bystry driving and braking.
Blocking function of automatic equipment can be controlled by means of bystry departure of a tape of a belt.
Pelvic belt behind
The belt with the closing uvula has to cover pelvic area before tibial bones. To enter the closing uvula (1) into the lock (2) before click. The belt should not be overwound and has to adjoin densely for safety reasons, avoid those poses for sitting which prevent the correct fixing of seat belts.
For shortening of a belt at the latched lock to pull for the end of a belt. For lengthening of a belt to establish the closing uvula before clothing of a belt slightly more than 90 ° in relation to a tape of a belt and to pull out so.
For weakening of a belt of book (3) in the lock (2) to press.
If the average seat is not occupied, then to thrust the lock and the developed tape of a seat belt in grooves under a back of a back seat (at the left and to the right of an armrest).
Natyagivateli of seat belts
They are applied with system of automatic equipment of extraction of seat belts (at provisions 1 and 2 of a key in the lock of a steering column).
Of seat belts are arranged to Natyagivateli in such a way that they work only at severe accidents. They so pull at the same time seat belts that they adjoin to a body and provide the minimum movement of a body forward.
At minor frontal accidents, at a revolution, at side or back crashes or at other accidents at which no powerful forces in front influence natyagivatel of belts do not work. At the same time the driver and all other passengers have usual protection in the form of seat belts.