11:10. Brake fluid

At the treatment of brake fluid it must be kept in mind the following:

 – brake fluid is poisonous. Do not suck away it a mouth through a hose at all. To fill in brake fluid only in vessels which application for other purposes is excluded;
 – brake fluid corrodes an automobile varnish at hit if it incidentally occurred, at once to wipe it and to wash away a large amount of water;
 – brake fluid is hygroscopic, i.e. absorbs moisture from air. Therefore it is necessary to store brake fluid only in the closed vessels;
 – the brake fluid which is already used once in the brake system should not be applied again. When pumping brakes to fill in only new brake fluid.

Specification of brake fluid: DOT 4.

Brake fluid should not contact to fat or mineral oil. Already insignificant traces of mineral oil do brake fluid unsuitable to the use or lead to failure of the brake system.

To change brake fluid each 2 years, whenever possible, after cold season.

To hand over the used brake fluid on a warehouse of special waste, but not to merge in the sewerage. Not to mix brake fluid with engine oil.