3.2.8. Head of the block of cylinders

Placement of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders

Remove a head of the block of cylinders only at the cooled engine. At the same time the final collector is not removed.

Defective sealing laying of a head of the block of cylinders is distinguished on one or several signs:

 – loss of power;
 – leak of cooling liquid, white final gas at the heated engine;
 – oil leak;
 – cooling liquid in engine oil, the level of oil does not decrease, and increases, foam shreds on the index of level of oil; gray color, fluidifying of engine oil;
 – engine oil in cooling liquid;
 – cooling liquid strongly rages;
 – lack of a compression in two next cylinders.

1. Raise a cowl.
2. Disconnect a wire of "mass" of the battery.

At the same time the anticreeping code of radio is erased.

3. Remove the air filter.
4. Remove a cross pipe and the soaking-up hose of the air filter.
5. Lower cooling liquid.
6. Remove a radiator.
7. Weaken ridge maple a belt and take off it.
8. Remove the pulling device of a ridge maple belt.
9. Clamp by means of hose clips fuel-supply lines in the holder of the fuel filter.


For simplification of the subsequent installation mark fuel-supply lines an adhesive tape. Remove the acted fuel a rag.

10. Unscrew two bolts of fastening of the holder and remove the holder with the fuel filter.
11. Unscrew the holder (62) guides of a pipe of the measuring instrument of level of oil.
12. Remove the hose from the recirculation valve of the final device (shooter) conducting to the air duct case.
13. Remove a hose between the recirculation valve of the final device and an inlet pipe.
14. Unscrew a side support (5) of the transmission (1) and an exhaust pipe (2).
15. Unscrew a forward exhaust pipe from a collector.
16. Remove nozzles.
17. Remove a clamp (91) of the giving line of heating by means of a self-made hook (01).
18. Unscrew withdrawal of a pipe (93) from an oil filter and remove from a branch pipe (89).
19. Unscrew electric wires from incandescence candles, previously having marked an adhesive tape.
20. Remove the 36-contact socket (X26/2).
21. Remove the inlet gas pipeline.
22. Uncover a head of the block of cylinders.
23. Install the engine in the provision of VMT of ignition of the first cylinder.
24. Sort a natyazhitel of a chain.
25. Remove the camshaft, having designated the provision of a chain of management and a distributive gear wheel by means of a varnish or штихеля.
26. Beat out two fingers (221) and (222) by means of a hairpin with a carving of M6 and a pusher.
27. If there is no such tool, then it is possible to take fingers by means of a chain asterisk with ten cloves (tetrahedron length – 1/2 inches) and a bolt of M6 having approximately threefold length of an asterisk. For this purpose wind a lock-nut on M6 bolt, then establish on it a pro-masonry washer. Get an asterisk on a finger, screw in M6 bolt in a carving of a finger and twirl a lock-nut before contact it with an asterisk. The pro-masonry washer serves for improvement of a prileganiye of surfaces. Extend a finger, holding a bolt head a cap wrench and at the same time turning a lock-nut Rozhkov a key concerning an asterisk.
28. Take the directing tire of the operating chain.
29. Unscrew two bolts of M8 of a head of the block of cylinders by means of a long face key of SW 6.
30. Unscrew bolts of a head of the block of cylinders in the sequence, their return numbering, i.e. with 18 on 1 (cm. rice. Placement of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders). At the same time at first unscrew all bolts on 1/2 turns and then unscrew completely, using a nozzle for a face key, for example, of HAZET 2751.
31. Raise a head of the block of cylinders, for example, by means of the crane. Points of fastening of a lifting cable are an eye in front at the left and withdrawal of a final collector behind on the right.


1. Clear the surface of sealing of the sealant remains by means of the corresponding scraper. Track that dirt did not get to openings of the motor block. Cover openings with a rag.

Openings for bolts of a head of the block of cylinders should not be hammered with the remains of oil and cooling liquid. Blow openings compressed air or clean the screw-driver which is wrapped up by a rag, and suck away liquid. Otherwise when twisting new bolts there will be pressure which can lead to cracks in the motor block or to the wrong moment of an inhaling of bolts.

2. Check planeness of the motor block.
3. Impose new sealing laying of a head of the block of cylinders without sealant on the fat-free sealing surface so that openings were not closed.
4. Clear a sealing surface of a head of the block of cylinders.
5. Check planeness of a head of the block.
6. Establish a head of the block of cylinders.
7. Measure length (L) bolts of a head of the block of cylinders. If the maximum length is exceeded (see the table Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders), do not use such bolts at all.
8. Oil engine the carving and a surface adjacent to a bolt head. Check bolts for lack of cracks and in case of need replace. Twist bolts in a head of the block of cylinders and tighten manually (see the table Placement of Bolts of a Head of the Block of Cylinders).

Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders have to be established without pro-masonry washers. Carefully tighten bolts. Check previously the accuracy of a dynamometer key.

Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders drag on in the sequence from 1 to 18 in four stages (cm. rice. Placement of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders).

Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders at each step respectively drag on in the sequence from the 1st to the 18th.

First stage: a dynamometer key with m 15 N.' moment.
Second stage: a dynamometer key with m 35 N.' moment.
Third stage: Rozhkov a key tighten bolts in the same direction on 90 °.

In this place make a 10-minute pause in an inhaling of bolts. Then continue to tighten bolts, without weakening them.

Fourth stage: Rozhkov a key tighten bolts for 90 °.

When tightening bolts you hold the handle of a key along the engine and turn it one movement until the handle becomes across the engine (1/4 turns = 90 °).

9. On two bolts of M8 (a) in front of a head of the block of cylinders establish elastic washers and tighten a long face key of SW6 with the moment 25 N. of m.
10. Install the directing tire of a chain of management, implant fingers, previously having greased their fillets with the pressurizing compound, for example, of Mercedes-001 589 2520.
11. Install the camshaft.
12. Establish a natyazhitel of a chain.
13. Install the engine in a position of VMT of ignition and check position of the camshaft.
14. Establish a head of the block of cylinders.
15. Install the inlet gas pipeline.
16. Install the 36-contact socket.
17. Screw electric wires of candles of an incandescence.
18. Establish a pipe knee with a new sealing ring and fasten a knee to the air filter.

The ring of round section for improvement of installation can be lowered in cooling liquid. Do not use lubricant or oil at all.

19. Establish the giving line of heating and put on the fixing clips.
20. Screw a forward exhaust pipe on a collector with m 25 N.' moment.
21. Screw with the moment 25 N. of m the holder of the transmission and a forward exhaust pipe.
22. Establish a hose from the recirculation valve of flue gases to the air duct case, and also a hose between the recirculation valve and an inlet pipe.
23. Screw the holder of the directing tube of the masloizmeritelny probe.
24. Install the fuel filter with the holder and fasten to a head of the block of cylinders with the moment 25 N. of m.
25. Screw fuel-supply lines with new sealing laying on the fuel filter. Remove hose clips.
26. Install the pulling device for a ridge maple belt.
27. Impose and pull ridge maple a belt.
28. Establish a radiator.
29. Establish a cross pipe of the air filter and a hose of absorption of air.
30. Install the air filter.
31. Fill in cooling liquid.
32. Connect a wire of "weight" to the battery (–).
33. Expose hours.
34. Set an anticreeping code of radio.

If sealing laying of a head of the block of cylinders was defective, replace engine oil and an oil filter.

35. Warm up the engine up to the working temperature and check tightness of all elements of connection.

Pulling up of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders is forbidden.

36. In conclusion press an engine cowl unblocking key on the left arm.

Bolts of a head of the block of cylinders

M 10
80,0 mm
83,6 mm
M 10
102,0 mm
105,6 mm
M 10
115,0 mm
118,6 mm

Placement of bolts of a head of the block of cylinders

M 10–80
3, 5, 11, 13
M 10–102
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
M 10–115
1, 7, 9, 15, 17
M 8–30
a (area of a case of a chain)
M 8–80
b (fuel filter)