Sequence of dismantling
The easiest to disassemble the engine and to make all types of works at the figurative stand. Before installation of the engine it is necessary to shoot a flywheel with the coupling mechanism with the stand.If there is no stand, then it is possible to disassemble the engine having strengthened it on a strong workbench or on a floor. When dismantling without stand be very careful during manipulations with the engine.
If the engine is taken to repare, then at first it is necessary to remove all units to install them subsequently just in the same order as well as at independent capital repairs. Treat such units:
– generator and arms;
– systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases;
– distributor of ignition, candle and high-voltage wires;
– the thermostat with the case;
– water pump;
– carburetor;
– inlet and final collectors;
– oil filter;
– fuel pump;
– engine mount details;
– a flywheel with the coupling mechanism.
If the block of cylinders of an incomplete complete set, i.e. the block of cylinders with installed by the krivoshipno-conrod mechanism and piston group is installed, then it is also necessary to remove a block head, the oil pallet and the oil pump. The list of the details which are subject to removal is defined by the accepted repair option.
If it is planned to make complete capital repairs, then the engine it is necessary to sort and remove completely engine details in the following order:
– covers of a gear belt of a cam-shaft;
– gear belt;
– cover of a head of the block of cylinders;
– forward and back covers;
– head of the block of cylinders and cam-shaft;
– oil pallet;
– oil pump;
– conrod and piston group;
– bent shaft.
Before dismantling and performing procedures of capital repairs the following tools and the equipment will be necessary:
– standard set of the tool;
– small cash desks or plastic sacks for storage of details;
– штапель for removal of the remains of laying;
– development for a razzenkovka;
– shock stripper;
– micrometers;
– the arrow indicator with assembly system;
– device for compression of springs;
– device for a honningovaniye of cylinders;
– the tool for cleaning of flutes of piston rings;
– electric drill;
– set of taps and dies;
– wire brushes;
– solvent.