Check of level of oil
The engine should not spend oils more than 1,0 l for 1000 km of a run. The bigger expense is a sign of wear of maslootrazhatelny caps of cores of valves and / or piston rings or oil consolidations.
At measurement of level of oil the car has to stand on a horizontal surface.
The engine has to be heated-up up to the working temperature.
After a stop of the engine wait not less than 3 minutes in order that oil gathered in the oil pallet.
1. Extend the index of level of oil (1) and wipe it with a pure rag. |
2. Enter a measuring core against the stop into the directing tube and again extend it. Level of oil has to be between both marking marks. |
Add new oil only if the level of oil approaches the mark "min". Oil volume from "min" to the mark "max" makes about 2,0 l.
Oil is added in a lock (2) covers of a head of the block of cylinders. At a dolivka apply the corresponding grade of oil, do not apply oil additives.