13.1.23. Protect the car
It is possible to complain about the authorities which are not taking due measures to reduction of number of the stolen cars, the laws which are insufficiently severely punishing modern horse thieves, and in general all and all as much as necessary. But, as they say, "god helps only those who do not forget to help themselves". The one who worked to equip with reasonable set anticreeping devices, as a rule, it does not lose the iron horse.
To hijack the car, it is necessary to get inside. For this purpose there are only two ways: to break glass or to open the lock by means of a key, a master key or other adaptation. It is possible to go deep, of course, into technology of this business that in itself nebezinteresno. But from us it is enough of fact that criminals it perfectly know. And what it can oppose?
It is possible, of course. to go by a collector armored car – there you will not break glass even by means of "Kalashnikov". You agree? It is possible to go on simpler way – to increase glass durability. For example, by means of the special "reserving" films. With keys it is more difficult. It is possible to put the additional lock, but as practice shows, it is not too effective protection. However, if there is no opportunity to prevent opening of the car, then it is necessary to learn at least about it is any alarm system works when opening a door.
The following step which the car thief has to make, – to start the engine. Exactly here the main line of defense of the majority of the anti-theft devices which are available in the market lies. And for immobilizers is a main task, and for alarm systems – auxiliary. Certainly, all blocking are surmountable. But remembering that absolute protection does not happen, we will try to create to the malefactor perhaps more difficulties. And in this regard competently put immobilizer predpochitelny. Besides, for removal of blocking it is necessary to open a cowl. Therefore will not prevent to put on it the additional lock.
Pay attention: both the immobilizer, and alarm systems differ on the level of protection and the number of the main and additional functions. At the same time the price depends both on the first, and on the second circumstance. And high cost of system – at all not a sign of high security properties. Perhaps, just in it there are a lot of support functions.
The started engine and the car going in the necessary direction – not same. The last boundary of protection of the car is based on this postulate. It is made by various mechanical systems – the lock of a wheel, pedals, the transmission lock... If there are bases to be afraid that the car will be just dragged off on the tow, then it is possible to apply a blocker.
Now we will pass to practice. Having looked at advertizing, it is easy to be convinced that anti-theft devices are very different. It is necessary to estimate features of use of your car: what it brands, what its technical condition, where as well as with whom you usually go where you leave the car regularly where occasionally where she spends the night, etc. Depending on it it is necessary to estimate risk of stealing. After that you will precisely know, those victims which can be brought for the sake of safety of the car how are big. Such knowledge very much is useful to you at negotiations with the fitter.
Of course, the competent manager in firm fitter of protivougolnny systems has to find out what is required to you. Besides, nobody knows better it all features of the available systems and devices and nobody better it will be able to help you to pick up "for the place" the necessary configuration and a complex of means of protection. Therefore treat with great attention everything that he tells you, and adhere to common sense. Do not forget that the manager has also interests.
At times inexperienced people tynut a finger in the most expensive systems, believing their best. Then come to turn off with a request function, then another... Eventually they have a question: for what plachena money? Do not overestimate the opportunities. If you face anticreeping systems for the first time, then choose the simplest in management. What is "the enraged signalka" know? Is not present? Means, you were lucky with neighbors. Most often the alarm system "goes crazy" because of the wrong address with it and inability to understand abundance of the main and additional functions. And business at all not in stupidity of certain car owners. If the car rebels because of operation of anticreeping system, then it is very difficult for inexperienced person to think that to what. And therefore do not forget to take the instruction of the user from the fitter and you are not lazy with it to practise hands a little. In the desert, certainly, place.
However, alarm systems rage not only because of maloperation. And therefore the question of reliability is quite urgent. Reliability more depends on the fitter. Here it is necessary to rely on its reputation and guarantee certificates. But serviceability of the car is not less important. So if you want to protect the used car, in advance prepare for additional expenses on repair of locks, electric equipment...
Let's call the five most, in our opinion, "reliable alarm systems": Bosch, Clifford, Sirio 777 Mouse, Sicura, Prestige.
Absolute protection is impossible. As a last resort it is always possible to ship the passenger car in a body of the truck or to drag off it the tow truck. But today stealings of cars is a business, and any business seeks for reduction of costs. Therefore preference is given to the cars which are not complicating life. So create to car thieves of difficulty.
In Soviet period "sekretka" – the additional switch of ignition hidden in a jungle of podkapotny space or back streets of salon was one of the most popular anticreeping means. In Post-Soviet times it became clear that this device is not alien also to the world of the capital. However, there over it properly worked therefore the device called "immobilizer" turned out.
The main task of an immobilizer – to break off one or several the cars of electric chains, vital for work, and thus to prevent stealing. When using additional devices, for example electromagnetic valves, also blocking of work of not electric systems is possible. The main feature of an immobilizer is that at its destruction or unauthorized shutdown of system of the car remain blocked.
Anticreeping systems
Aspiration as it is possible to protect more reliably the car from stealing drove to development of harder and harder designs. So there were devices which it is more correct to call anticreeping systems. One of them – Vekta. In it the main unit is executed non-demountable, all wires have one color, and some of them – false. Vekta allows to break off four chains, and in two to change polarity of wires.
The "cyborg" who is actively advanced on our Alarm-Servisom market – system of higher level. In it the main unit is connected to regular conducting of the car, and ruptures of the vital chains are carried out by special devices. The small sizes strongly complicate their search. Besides, "Cyborg" has the wide list of additional functions and is connected to city paging network. It is possible to call the car by phone and to order to be got. Or, on the contrary, to stop.
Alarm systems
Initially the idea was in informing the owner on attempt at his favourite.
Modern alarm systems far left from primitive systems on "two buttons". Practically all of them have remote, from a brelka, inclusion – by means of infrared beams or radio waves. In the latter case the code is applied double or floating, constantly changing. The block architecture is widely applied: the main unit can work with a broad set of sensors, an exit can be connected to a regular signal of the car or a siren – usual or with autonomous food, reacting to power outage. It is possible to do also without noise if instead of a siren to connect a pager (do not confuse to paging network, it is other pager), which will begin to squeak in a pocket of the owner of the car at operation of the alarm system.
Modern alarm systems and anticreeping functions are not deprived. Even the simplest of them blocks work at least of one electric chain. Fundamental difference from immobilizers consists that at power off of blocking are, as a rule, disconnected.
Modern people love various services. Well, unless it is bad if the alarm system itself closes locks of doors? Today this function can be considered standard.
Additional locks
About ten years ago in the remote place it was possible to see not only the truck, but also quite respectable Volga with the huge eyes which are sticking out of a door under the hinged granary lock.
Then the first in our market the devices blocking a steering wheel and pedals "went". Motorists with an experience well remember these massive pieces of iron of a horrible look.
It is worth mentioning also "the Israeli miracle" – Mul-t-lok – the lock fixing the gear shifting lever. It is obvious that these devices protect the car with "automatic machine" better as the mechanical box allows to tow the car with the squeezed-out coupling.
The following type of the anti-theft device – the lock of wheels, a thunder-storm of breakers of rules of the parking.
And at last the last design - the additional lock of a cowl. However, the lock in itself does not represent a barrier to the car thief. For start of the engine of the modern car it is not required to open a cowl and furthermore – a luggage carrier. Therefore such locks are good only as the additional measure complicating access to the alarm system or an immobilizer.
Jackie against hop - foot
From all variety of functions one deserves the separate story. It is protection of the car at assault. "Dzhek" – Hight Jack and Black Jack are most widespread.
Hai Jack joins with a brelka – what puts the car on protection, or own. In principle the following is provided: here the car from you was taken away, and you were "thrown out". You fast press on the button. There is a following further: at once or with a small delay the engine becomes deaf and the alarm system turns on. After that it is already impossible to bring the car to the working condition by means of brelok. Certainly, it is necessary to include Hai Jack before the car leaves out of action limits a brelka. The shortcoming consists that "throw out", as a rule, from the car with keys and a brelok, and therefore it is necessary to have with itself an additional charm all the time or at least to store the main separately that, you see, is not really convenient.
Black Jack it is not necessary to include. It needs to be switched off. Usually after each opening of a door. Otherwise he warns the forgetful driver, and then stops the engine, but at the moment when the car thief dumps "gas" that does a stop of the car of safer as for the owner of the car (robbers already far), and for those who go nearby.