1.16.4. Accumulator
Struck a frost, and the accumulator which still yesterday was vigorously twisting a starter, refuses to do it flatly. Nothing surprising – when you loaded its last time?If the accumulator is relatively young (up to 3–4 years), then in anticipation of winter it is enough to be washed up outside, to clear plugs and to load completely – if the car was constantly operated in the city, the charge of the battery is for certain far from nominal. If the accumulator old and to nominal capacity is not charged, change without thoughts, otherwise in the winter it for certain will bring you – capacity and so strongly also the increased energy consumption – a heater, heating of seats, light, janitors, a heater of back glass falls with fall of temperature, and here...
By the way, according to experts, the average duration of "full-fledged life" of the accumulator makes about twelve months, gradual withering begins further. And the peak of sales of starter batteries, according to sellers, is necessary just for the fall.
Times when the car owner was rushed off the feet in search of the new accumulator, passed long ago – from a variety of trademarks and models on shelves of shops flickers before eyes. What to choose – a personal record of everyone. Let's note only that in the market now it is possible to allocate two price groups – batteries worth over $60 (usually to $100), for example, "Bosch", "Steco", "American", "Fiamm", and accumulators at the price below $60 ("Mutlu", "Inci", "Centra", "SAEM" etc.).
Higher prices of batteries of the first group are defined by more perfect technology of their production. These accumulators, as a rule, belong to the category of unattended. Special types of electrolytes and tight execution of such batteries increase a resource of their operation and provide the high starter currents guaranteeing an engine provorachivayemost even at hard frosts. The leading producers without fail use now technology of packing of plates therefore it is possible to avoid short circuit of the battery in case of their destruction.
Cheaper accumulators demand periodic service – check of density of electrolyte and measurement of its level. Let's remind that electrolyte density for the winter period has to be not lower than 1,29.
Often upon purchase of the new battery try to choose it as capacity more if only got on the place allocated for it. But capacity – not the main thing. Far more important starter current which is provided by the battery. Even at the accumulator with a big capacity this indicator (because of big own resistance) can be shown below, than at the accumulator with a smaller capacity. Besides, the battery with a bigger capacity requires higher current of recharge which the generator of your car will not provide, and the battery will be discharged in use more and more that is deplorable will affect the term of its service.
By the way, if you buy the battery differing from regular, pay attention to an arrangement of its conclusions – accumulators of "the return polarity" which plugs wires of your car can not reach come across.